Splicing alterations contributing to cancer hallmarks in the liver: central role of dedifferentiation and genome instability
Cell fate and identity depend on the expression of a specific array of proteins at a precise moment. In eukaryotes the expression of multi-exon genes requires the efficient and correct removal or splicing of introns by the spliceosome, a highly flexible and reversible multiprotein enzyme. Alternative splicing affects 95% of genes and allows the generation, in a cell-type specific manner, of different mRNA isoforms from a single gene coding for proteins with even opposing functions (1). Alternative splicing can also modulate gene expression through for instance the inclusion or exclusion of poison exons able to activate non-sense mediated mRNA decay (NMD) (2-4). Therefore, transcription and alternative splicing are two tightly regulated processes responsible for the diversity of the proteome. The output of a splicing event depends on multiple factors including (I) cis-acting sequence motifs at splice sites at the exon-intron boundaries required for spliceosome assembly, and at the splicing enhancer and repressor motifs within the pre-mRNA which are recognized by RNA-binding proteins (RBP); (II) the concentration and availability of a large array of trans-acting regulatory splicing factors or RBPs able to bind the enhancer and repressor motifs and to modulate spliceosome activity and splice site selection; and (III) the kinetic competition between different spliceosome assembly pathways (5-8). Two key families of RBPs, the serine/arginine‐rich proteins (SR proteins) and the heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoproteins (hnRNPs), regulate splicing in a synergic or competitive context-dependent manner and through many different mechanisms (5,7,9).
Alterations of splicing have been implicated in the development of different diseases including cancer (10). Malignant cell transformation requires the acquisition of several neoplastic capabilities through the activation of oncogenes and the inactivation of tumor suppressor genes (11). Differential splicing of specific genes and splicing factor alterations are present in most types of tumors and can be associated with each of the cancer hallmarks identified by Hanahan and Weinberg (6,9,12-14) In fact, the network of alternatively spliced transcripts is reprogrammed in cancer cells (13). These alterations can be associated with the presence of mutations in cis-acting splice sites or regulatory motifs and/or in the coding sequence of trans-acting splicing factors. However, and importantly, they can also be due to changes, even modest, in the expression, function and location of unmutated splicing factors (9,13) which can for instance be induced by the activation of specific signaling pathways (5,15).
In the last years it has been demonstrated that the splicing machinery, including spliceosome components and RBPs, regulates many relevant cellular processes in a splicing-independent manner. These processes include the maintenance of genome integrity by preventing the formation of RNA-DNA hybrids (R-loops) and by influencing the DNA damage response (DDR), transcription elongation and termination, mRNA nuclear export and translation-dependent non-sense mRNA decay response (NMD) (9,10). Importantly, these observations reveal the relevance that subtle changes in the abundance, post-translational modifications and/or subcellular localization of splicing factors and/or spliceosomal components may have, apart from splicing and gene expression, on very relevant cellular events which are central to the process of carcinogenesis.
Alternative splicing in HCC
Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), the most frequent tumor of the liver, develops in more than 80% of cases on a chronically damaged organ where hepatic functions have been lost. Molecularly, HCCs are very heterogeneous and different subclasses have been described according to the genetic alterations and biomarkers detected, in an attempt to improve the management of patients and the discovery of effective therapeutic strategies nowadays still elusive (16,17).
Alternative splicing is also emerging as a relevant player in the progression of liver disease (15,18) and recent high throughput studies have described the landscape of aberrant alternative splicing events in HCC (19-21). As described above, changes in splice variants may be associated with mutations on the splicing recognition motifs or with the dysregulation of splicing factors. Mutations, mis-localization and alterations in the level of expression of splicing factors have been described in HCC. For instance, the gene amplification and up-regulation of the spliceosome component splicing factor 3b subunit 4 (SF3B4) have been detected in precancerous lesions of HCC, being suggested as early-stage diagnostic markers and correlating with poor prognosis in HCC (22). A recent genome-wide study characterized the genetic alterations of RBPs in HCC and stablished the perturbations in the protein-RNA regulatory interactome in HCC (23). This study showed that somatic mutations are enriched in RBP binding sites and identified some interactions related to specific subtypes of HCC.
Regarding changes in localization, the cytosolic retention of the SR-protein SRSF3 through its interaction with the hepatitis B virus protein HBx, correlates with poor overall survival of HCC patients. Importantly, it has been associated with the aberrant splicing and up-regulation of an oncogenic truncated splice-isoform of CCDC50, an effector of epidermal growth factor (EGF)-mediated cell signaling implicated in the oncogenic progression of HCC (24).
Both up-regulation and down-regulation of splicing factors have been reported in HCC. hnRNPA1 and A2 (25) are upregulated in HCC and the induction of hnRNPC (20), hnRNPH1 and H2 (26), SRSF2 (27) and PTBP3 (28) has been correlated with poor prognosis. On the other hand, and as reviewed below, the downregulation of SRSF3 (29), SLU7 (30) and ESRP2 (31) has been also described in HCC.
In the next sections we will focus on selected altered splicing events. We will provide a new perspective of the changes in splicing factors in relation with the acquisition of specific cancer hallmarks during the process of hepatocarcinogenesis.
Alterations of splicing and hepatocyte de-differentiation in hepatocarcinogenesis
Epigenetic modifications, changes in the levels of expression of transcription factors, and regulation of mRNA processing are crucial for genome reprogramming during development and for the establishment of tissue-specific gene expression (32). Accordingly, the transition from the proliferative fetal liver to the metabolic functional postnatal organ and the fully differentiated adult liver is regulated not only by changes in transcription factors (33,34) but also by a relevant set of post-transcriptional splicing events (31). The importance of alternative splicing in the maintenance of the hepatic phenotype is evidenced by the fact that the liver, together with the brain and testis, is the organ with the greatest diversity in transcripts associated with alternative exon or splice site usage (35).
The liver is a highly specialized and differentiated organ, however as mentioned above HCC fundamentally develops on cirrhotic tissues where the characteristic hepatic functions have been significantly blunted. This progressive loss of functions is linked to changes in the profile of gene expression and switches in isozymes expression towards a more fetal-like and de-differentiated landscape. These changes are largely associated with alterations in the expression of transcription factors which include the inhibition of HNF4 and the induction of Wilms’ tumor 1 in human cirrhosis and HCC (36-38). In fact, enforced expression of HNF4α attenuates hepatic fibrosis (39), reverses terminal chronic hepatic failure (40), and blocks HCC occurrence in rats (41), while its depletion fosters hepatocarcinogenesis (42,43). Other example would be the dysregulation of the HIPPO/YAP cascade. Nuclear staining of the transcriptional co-activator YAP is detected in 50% of human HCCs suggesting a role for YAP activation (44). Accordingly, the activation of endogenous YAP perturbs hepatocyte differentiation and maintains this immature state in advanced tumors in mice (45). Interestingly, YAP silencing in mouse HCC restores hepatocyte differentiation and leads to tumor regression (45). As discussed below downregulation of the zinc finger transcription factor Krüppel-like factor 6 (KLF6), and its altered splicing pattern, is observed in early human hepatocarcinogenesis and is also related with hepatocellular de-differentiation (46).
More recently, it has been demonstrated that the preservation of a liver-specific transcriptional profile depends to a great extent on the correct expression of three splicing factors, the SR-protein SRSF3 (29), the pre-mRNA splicing factor SLU7 (30) and epithelial splicing regulatory protein 2 (ESRP2) (31). These studies show that the hepatic depletion or reduction of expression of SRSF3, SLU7 or ESRP2 in mice impact significantly on the mature and metabolically functional phenotype of the liver, changing not only the alternatively spliced transcriptome profile but also the rate of transcription of oncofetal genes such as alfa-fetoprotein (AFP) and the non-coding RNA H19, as well as metabolic and proliferation-related genes (29,30). In addition, the data demonstrates a complex cross-regulation among the different effectors and pathways. For instance, reduced expression of SLU7 results in altered splicing and diminished expression of SRSF3 and changes in the use of HNF4 promoter, from the adult-specific P1 promoter to the fetal/oncogenic P2 promoter (30,38). Importantly, in support of the relevance and pathological implications of these findings, the expression of SRSF3, SLU7 and ESRP2 is significantly reduced in human HCC (19,47,48), and that of SLU7 is also impaired in the preneoplastic cirrhotic liver (47). More specifically, it has been demonstrated that the hepatocyte-specific knockdown of SRSF3 in mice results in the spontaneous development of HCC (48), further emphasizing the relevance of hepatic de-differentiation in the process of hepatocarcinogenesis.
Recently, muscleblind-like-3 (MBNL3) has been identified as a liver oncofetal splicing factor expressed at high levels in fetal livers, silenced in adult livers and reexpressed in HCC tissues (49). Its oncogenic function has been linked to the inclusion of exon 4 into the lncRNA-PXN-AS1 and the subsequent upregulation of the cytoskeletal oncoprotein paxillin (PXN) (49).
The cell fate determinant NUMB is a direct transcriptional target of the WNT pathway and a negative regulator of NOTCH signaling promoting hepatocyte differentiation (50). The upregulation of an aberrant alternatively spliced isoform of NUMB after the inclusion of exon 12 (PRRL isoform) has been detected in HCC and it is associated with early recurrence and reduced overall survival after surgery (51). Mechanistically, this splicing event is inhibited by the splicing factor RBFOX2 and promoted by the cytoplasmic retention of the SR-protein kinase SRPK2 through its interaction with the chaperon HSP90 (51). In fact, the presence of NUMB PRRL isoform was proposed as a biomarker in HCC to stratify patients to be treated with HSP90-targeted drugs (51,52). In this same line, a differentiation therapy for HCC has been proposed using miR-148a mimics, which mediate hepatocyte differentiation through the upregulation of NUMB expression (53).
Many metabolism-related enzymes are expressed as cell-type specific isoforms regulated by alternative splicing. In fact, many de-differentiation events observed during the process of hepatocarcinogenesis represent switches of alternatively spliced metabolic enzyme isoforms. In general, mature liver-specific isoforms are replaced by fetal isoforms or isoforms normally expressed in other tissues (20,21,54).
Alterations of splicing and HCC metabolic reprogramming
As mentioned above, many metabolism-related genes are regulated by alternative splicing. Cancer is recognized as a disease of energetic metabolism and the metabolic reprogramming of cancer cells, including the use of glucose, glutamine and fructose is facilitated by changes in the expression of mutually exclusive alternatively spliced isoforms of metabolic enzymes (54).
Fructose is mainly catabolized in the liver by the high affinity enzyme fructokinase C (KHK-C) an isoform mainly expressed in hepatocytes generated by the incorporation of alternative exon 3C into the mRNA (55). However, in HCC cells RBP hnRNPH1/2 promotes the exclusion of exon 3C and the inclusion of exon 3A to generate the isoform KHK-A. This results in a reduced fructose metabolism rate preventing enhanced ROS generation and uncontrolled lipid production, along with promoting glucose-derived de novo nucleic acid synthesis through phosphorylation of phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate synthetase 1 (PRPS1) (54). Therefore, this splicing switch supports tumorigenesis and allows the coordinated regulation of glucose and fructose metabolism in HCC cells (54). Importantly, hnRNAPH1/2 expression is regulated by cMYC and the expression of cMYC, hnRNPH1/2 and KHK-A is correlated and significantly up-regulated in HCC tissues, being independent prognostic factors for overall survival (54).
Aerobic glycolysis or Warburg effect plays a crucial role in the process of carcinogenesis (11). Pyruvate kinase (PK) catalyzes the last committed step in glycolysis, the conversion of phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) to pyruvate. The main isozyme expressed in the liver is PKL, however, alternative splicing of the isozyme pyruvate kinase M (PKM) is an important determinant of the Warburg effect of cancer cells versus differentiated cells (56). Two isoforms PKM1 and PKM2 are expressed through mutually exclusive alternative splicing of exons 9 and 10 (57), being PKM2 expressed during embryogenesis, tissue regeneration, and tumor development (58). Interestingly, PKM2 overexpression in HCC is associated with poor prognosis (59). Mechanistically, hnRNPA1/hnRNPA2 have been shown to inhibit exon 9 inclusion, favoring PKM2 expression (60). As mentioned before hnRNPA1/hnRNPA2 expression is induced in HCC (25) which could be due to cMYC activation (60) or SLU7 downregulation (30) both events observed in HCC (47,54).
The alternative splicing of exon 11 into the insulin receptor (IR) mRNA is developmentally regulated in a tissue-specific manner. The fetal liver expresses IR-A isoform and the skipping of exon 11 confers a higher affinity not only for insulin but also for insulin like growth factor II (IGF-II), a growth factor mainly implicated in proliferation (61). The differentiated adult liver expresses almost exclusively the IR-B isoform containing exon 11 and, being involved in the metabolic effects of insulin (61). Interestingly, the ratio IR-A/IR-B is significantly increased in HCC and in a model of hepatocarcinogenesis in rats (25) suggesting a role in the transformation of hepatocytes. Mechanistically this dysregulation of IR splicing can be induced by the upregulation of hnRNPA1 (25) or the downregulation of SRSF3 (29) or SLU7 (30), all three events observed in human HCC (25,29,47).
Alterations of splicing and genome instability in HCC
Genomic instability is considered an enabling characteristic of cancer cells endowing them with genetic alterations that support their growth (11). Genome instability can be the result of increased DNA damage and accumulation of mutations or mitotic errors associated with chromosome alterations. Alternative splicing has been implicated in the regulation of both processes and splicing factors are emerging as gatekeepers of genome stability (62,63).
Chromosome instability (CIN) affecting the number and structure of chromosomes is one of the most common alterations in HCC (64). Several splicing events affecting proteins implicated in the mitotic spindle checkpoint (MSC), which is responsible for inducing mitosis arrest to prevent chromosome mis-segregation, have been described in HCC. For instance, an aberrant isoform deleted in exon 4 (MAD1beta) of the mitotic arrest deficient 1 (MAD1) gene is induced in 24% of HCCs (65). MAD1beta sequesters MAD2 in the cytoplasm preventing its function as controller in the mitotic checkpoint and inducing the formation of chromosome bridges and aneuploidy (65). Its relevance in hepatocarcinogenesis is supported by the fact that heterozygous deletion of MAD1 in mice results in the development of HCC (66). The splicing factors implicated in this aberrant event have not been characterized yet.
Another important player in MSC is the serine/threonine kinase Aurora B (AURKB) which is overexpressed in HCC (67). Importantly, aberrant splicing isoforms are also induced, and in particular a small percentage of patients overexpress a variant lacking exon 6 (AURKB-Sv2) which correlates with poor prognosis (67). This isoform, deprived of the kinase activity, could act as dominant negative of AURKB and participate in the induction of CIN (67). Again, the mechanisms and splicing factors implicated in this aberrant event have not been elucidated.
Correct sister chromatid cohesion (SCC) is essential to secure the proper segregation of chromosomes during mitosis. Shugoshins (SGO) are proteins required for the correct cohesion of centromeres (68) and the heterozygous deletion of SGO1 in mice induces CIN and the development of HCC (69). Importantly a splicing isoform (sSGO1) lacking exon 6 is located at the centrosomes instead of at the centromeres being a guardian of centriole cohesion (70), and sSGO1 overexpression induces multipolar cells and chromosome mis-segregation (71). The induction of SGO1 expression has been described in HCC (72), however the characterization of the splicing isoforms expressed and in particular sSGO1 expression has not been addressed. Our observations demonstrate that SLU7 knockdown induces the depletion of exon 6 and the induction of sSGO1 (73), suggesting that sSGO1 expression deserves further studies in HCC and could be implicated in the induction of CIN. Our data also shows that SLU7 plays a more general role in maintaining SCC and securing chromosome stability. Sororin (CDCA5) is essential to maintain SCC (74). We have demonstrated that SLU7 downregulation induces the aberrant incorporation of introns 1 and 2 into the mRNA of sororin, inducing its degradation by the NMD machinery and resulting in reduced protein levels (73). Consequently, SLU7 silencing results in defects in SCC and mitosis arrest in HCC cells (73).
DNA damage occurs mainly because of errors during replication, exposure to oxidative stress and damaging agents, and RNA transcription-dependent formation of RNA-DNA hybrids or R-loops (63,75). DNA damage is present in the liver of cirrhotic patients and in HCC, as evidenced by the increased detection of the biomarker γH2AX (76). DNA damage has been demonstrated as determinant in the induction of HCC in mice (77,78). Cells are endowed with systems to sense and respond to DNA damage, and a potent DNA damage repair (DDR) machinery is activated in the cell to prevent the fixation of mutations. Recently the existence of an important interplay between the DNA damage response and RNA processing has been recognized (63). RBPs play an important role regulating not only the transcription and splicing of DDR sensors and effectors, but also controlling directly the DDR in a splicing-independent manner (63,79,80). RNA-transcription is also a source of genome instability through the formation of RNA-DNA hybrids (R-loops). These R-loops are formed between the nascent mRNA and the template strand of the DNA, leaving the coding DNA strand exposed to damaging agents (81). R-loops are generated physiologically and are processed by RNase H1, however they can accumulate under certain conditions including diminished expression of RBPs, promoting mutations, recombination and chromosome rearrangements (63,81,82). Recently it has been shown that RNAse H1 depletion in the liver of mice results in R-loops accumulation and the impairment of liver function (83). The depletion of SRSF1 and SRSF3 has been associated with the accumulation of R-loops (84). The downregulation or mislocalization of SRSF3 observed in HCC (24,48) could therefore participate in the induction of R-loops promoting genome instability.
Alterations of splicing and cell cycle progression in HCC
As mentioned above, RNA processing and alternative splicing affect most of the genes expressed in humans (1). The splicing landscape is reprogrammed in cancer cells (13) and alterations of splicing represent one of the mechanisms used by cancer cells to activate oncogenes or inactivate tumor suppressor genes (TSGs). In fact, global profiling of alternative RNA splicing events in HCC reveals the existence of alternative splicing signatures associated with different types of HCC (20). As already discussed, these changes can be linked to mutations in specific splicing regulation sites or to changes in RNA splicing factors that act as oncoproteins or TSGs (9,15). In fact, many of the already discussed alterations of splicing observed in HCC such as CCDC50, PXN, IR-A and PKM2, affect cell cycle progression inducing cell proliferation and/or cell survival. In this section we will describe two examples of well-characterized pathways connecting altered cell signaling with dysregulated splicing factors expression, and the inactivation of TSG transcription factors in HCC.
The transcription factor and tumor suppressor gene KLF6 regulates cell differentiation, proliferation and survival, and it is expressed as four splicing isoforms (85). KLF6-SV1 isoform lacks the three zinc finger DNA binding domains acting as dominant-negative and antagonizing KLF6, leading for instance to decreased p21 expression and increased cell growth (86). Reduced KLF6 expression has been described in HCC and an increased SV1/KLF6 ratio is associated with aggressive clinical behavior both in human and in mice (46,87). The mechanisms implicated in the splicing inactivation of KLF6 have been described. SRSF1 is required to express the full length KLF6 mRNA (88), and SV1 induction is associated with RAS/PI3K/AKT activation (88) and hepatocyte growth factor signaling (HGF) (89) in HCC cells. Mechanistically, HGF induces c-MET and PI3K/AKT signaling and downregulates SRSF3 expression which is required for the correct splicing and expression of SRSF1 (89). SRSF1 mRNA degradation by NMD and its protein reduction favor KLF6 splicing, SV1 isoform expression and its oncogenic properties (89). All together these data suggest that c-MET activation, SRSF3 downregulation, and KLF6-SV1 induction could represent coordinated events useful to identify subgroups of HCC patients with specific targetable alterations.
The tumor suppressor gene P73 belongs to the P53 gene family of transcription factors (90). A large number of isoforms are generated through alternative promoter usage and multiple alternative splicing events. Isoforms lacking the transactivation domain (TA) behave as dominant negative inhibitors of both TSGs, P73 and P53, displaying oncogenic properties (91). Interestingly, transgenic mice expressing an isoform lacking exons 2 and 3 in hepatocytes spontaneously develop HCC (92). We have demonstrated that the growth factor amphiregulin (AREG) activates EGFR and JNK1 to downregulate the expression of the splicing factor SLU7, which is responsible for the correct incorporation of exon 2 into P73 mRNA (47). The relevance of these results is supported by the fact that AREG expression is induced in parallel to the downregulation of SLU7 expression and the induction of the p73 isoform defective in exon 2 (Ex2p73) not only in HCC but also in the preneoplastic cirrhotic liver (47).
Conclusions and perspectives
HCCs are molecularly heterogeneous tumors, and this complexity is to a great extent responsible for their poor response to conventional and targeted therapies (16,93). The information summarized in this review indicates that imbalanced expression of splicing factors can be a relevant source for this heterogeneity. Moreover, we have also illustrated how these alterations may play a driver role in hepatocarcinogenesis by impinging on the general hallmarks of cancer. Having in mind the natural history of HCC we focused on two pathogenic features that are characteristic of liver tumors: chromosomal instability and phenotypic dedifferentiation. We highlight mechanisms connecting splicing derangement with these two processes and the enabling capacities acquired by liver cells along their neoplastic transformation (Figure 1). A thorough understanding of the alterations in the splicing machinery may also help to design novel therapeutic strategies. Indeed, relevant progress has been made in the identification of small molecules that can interfere with the activity of splicing factors at different levels, from their expression to their enzymatic or structural activities (14). However, their precise mechanisms of action are not always well characterized, and although cancer cells seem more susceptible to the inhibition of the splicing machinery than normal cells (94) unexpected toxicities may occur (95). RNA-based therapeutics using splice-switching antisense oligonucleotides (ASO) are also actively pursued (14). These ASO can target specific components of the splicing machinery, potentially avoiding toxic effects. However, their efficient delivery to target tissues is still a challenge (96), and in the case of HCC a critical one given the profound histological alterations of the cirrhotic liver on which HCCs develop. From a translational point of view, and as discussed in previous sections, the identification of splicing isoforms specific of HCC cells may provide robust biomarkers of the disease (7). Moreover, these HCC-specific variants could constitute tumor associated antigens that may be harnessed for the development of cancer vaccines and immunotherapy strategies against liver tumors (97).

Work in the authors’ laboratory is supported by CIBERehd, Instituto de Salud Carlos III; Grant MINECO SAF2016-75972-R; HEPACARE Project from Fundación La Caixa; ADA fellowship to M Jimenez; AECC post-doctoral fellowship to M Arechederra; Fundación Eugenio Rodríguez Pascual; Fundación Echebano; Fundación Mario Losantos; Fundación M Torres and Mr. Eduardo Ávila and Mr. Sergio Durá contributions.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.
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Cite this article as: Jimenez M, Arechederra M, Ávila MA, Berasain C. Splicing alterations contributing to cancer hallmarks in the liver: central role of dedifferentiation and genome instability. Transl Gastroenterol Hepatol 2018;3:84.